Create Tab
The Create tab provides the tools needed for creating objects. The tools are divided into six groups: Object, Solid, Light/Camera, Move/Copy, Other, and Plugins.
(The Toolbox in Shade3D Professional)
Object Group
Tools used to create objects are contained here. Select a tool and then click or drag in one of the viewports of the Figure Window to create an object.
Most objects can be created as one of three object types: Primitive, Surface, and Mesh. To switch object types, use the Primitive, Surface, and Mesh buttons at the top of the Toolbox.
Note In the Toolbox, the tool icons are lined up from the left in the following order: Primitive, Surface, and Mesh. Dimmed icons indicate unavailable tools.
Closed Line
- Enter control points in the Figure Window to create a closed line object. Click to create a control point. Click and hold the mouse button and drag it to create a line handle.
Open Line
- Follow the same procedure as for Closed Line above to create an open line whose starting point and end point are not closed.
- Drag out a diagonal line in the Figure Window to create a rectangle. The created rectangle is a closed line object.
- Create a disk by dragging out the radius of the disk in the Figure Window.
- Create a box by dragging out the diagonal line and then dragging out the height in the Figure Window.
- Create a sphere by dragging out the radius of the sphere in the Figure Window.
- Create a pyramid by dragging out the underside and then dragging out the height in the Figure Window.
- Create a cone by dragging out the underside radius and then dragging out the height in the Figure Window.
- Create a cylinder by dragging out the underside radius and then dragging out the height in the Figure Window.
- Create a capsule by dragging out the radius of the sphere and then dragging out the length of the capsule object in the Figure Window.
- Create a torus by dragging out the radius in the Figure Window. Specify the thickness of the torus object in Radius of the Tool Parameters.
See also Tool Parameters
Empty Polygon
- Click this tool to create an empty polygon mesh. The new mesh will be displayed in the Browser.
- Creates outline text objects.
See also Text
Solid Group
Tools used to create solid, three-dimensional objects from flat (2D) objects are found here. With a flat object selected in the Figure Window, click the Extrude tool or Revolve tool and perform the specified steps in the Figure Window to create a solid.
- Line objects (closed and open lines) and disks can be extruded in any direction to create an extruded solid. Drag in any orthographic view in the Figure Window to specify the direction and distance to extrude the selected object(s).
- Line objects (closed and open lines) and disks can be revolved about a central axis to create a revolved solid. , drag an axis of rotation in the Figure Window.
- Undo an Extrude or Revolve and restore the original objects.
Light/Camera Group
Tools used to create a light and camera are contained here. Drag in the Figure Window to create a light and camera.
Point Light
- Create a point light by dragging a distance vector (light arrival distance) which represents the position and the intensity of the light in the Figure Window.
- Create a spotlight by dragging a distance vector (light arrival distance) which represents the position, radiation direction, and intensity in the Figure Window.
Directional Light
- Create a directional light by dragging a distance vector (light arrival distance) which represents the position, radiation direction, and intensity in the direction of the irradiation in the Figure Window.
Distribution Light
- Distribution lights are available in Shade3D Professional.
Drag a distance vector (light arrival distance) which represents the intensity in the Figure Window. The Open File dialog will appear. From it, you can load the IES data file. Ambient Light
- Create an ambient light by dragging a distance which represents the intensity in the Figure Window.
Liner Light
- Create a liner light by clicking or dragging in the Figure Window.
Area Light
- Create an area light by dragging out the diagonal line of the area light in the Figure Window.
If the area light is created in the XZ plane, the light direction is upward. To aim the light downwards, rotate the area light downwards. Alternatively, reverse the direction of the area light from the Flip Face checkbox of the Browser. Camera
- Create a camera object by dragging from the eye point toward the target point in the Figure Window.
Move/Copy Group
Tools used to move and copy are found here. Select a tool and perform operations in the Figure Window to move and copy objects.
Move and Copy are switched by clicking the Move and Copy buttons in the upper part of the Toolbox. If you do not leave the original object (move), click the Move button and then select a tool. If not, click the Copy button and then select a tool.
Note In the Toolbox, the tool icons are lined up from the left in the following order: Move and Copy. Grey icons cannot be selected.
- Drag in the Figure Window to specify the direction and distance to slide the selected objects.
- Click in the Figure Window to specify the center of rotation, then drag the rotation angle to rotate the selected object. If the center is not specified, the center of the selected object is the center of rotation.
- Click in the Figure Window to specify the center point, then drag to specify the direction and amount of magnification/reduction for the selected objects, from a point other than the center. If the center is not specified, the center of the selected object is the center of amount of magnification/reduction.
- Click in the Figure Window to specify the center point, then drag to specify the amount of equal-axis magnification/reduction for the selected objects, from a point other than the center. If the center is not specified, the center of the selected object is the center of amount of magnification/reduction.
- Click in the Figure Window to specify the center point, then drag to skew the selected object at the specified angle. If the center is not specified, the center of the selected object is the center of skew.
- Objects can be moved (transformed) by entering numeric values. After selecting this tool, click in the Figure Window to specify the reference point for the transformation. The Transformation dialog box opens, allowing you to enter numeric values for Scale, Rotate, and Translate transformations along any of the XYZ axes.
See also Transformation Dialog Box
Link (Only for Copy)
- Create a link object by sliding an object.
Joint Operations Pop-up Menu (only for Move)
- Tools used to manipulate joints and parts are contained here.
NoteWhen you use Translate, Rotate, Uni-Scale, Skew or Link, information is displayed in real time within the Figure Window with operation and tool parameter feedback. You can also perform the operation using numeric input and values in the Tool Parameters.
Other Group
Master Surface
- Creates a set of surface attributes, called a master surface, which can be applied to multiple objects.
- Loads an image in the scene. The loaded image can be used as an surface attribute, background, or rendering setting backdrop.
- Create an object used as sound source location information, called a sound object.
Plugins Group
- Bevel
- Bevel is available in Shade3D Standard and Professional.
Extrude and Bevel are created for any line object.See also Bevel
- DepthPlus Focus Object
- DepthPlus makes it easy to add depth of field effects, simulating a real camera. DepthPlus is available in Shade3D Professional.
See also DepthPlus
- Hair Salon
- Hair Salon is a feature for creating and styling hair and fur. Once designed, the hair or fur strands can be converted to polygons. Hair Salon is available in Shade3D Standard and Professional.
See also Hair Salon
- Meta Shape
- Create a meta-element and a Metamesh.
- Particle Physics
- Particle Physics is a feature for creating effects such as smoke, flames, explosions, fountains, or for collision detection. Particle Physics is available in Shade3D Standard and Professional.
See also Particle Physics
- Photo Modeling
- Creates a 3D object using pictures photographed from multiple angles.
See also Photo Modeling.
- Polyhedrons
- The Polyhedrons feature make it simple to create any of the following regular polyhedrons: tetrahedron, hexahedron, octahedron, dodecahedron, or icosahedron.
Polyhedrons is available in Shade3D Standard and Professional.
See also Polyhedrons
- Sketch Modeling
- Creates a 3D object using an illustration or the like as a rough sketch and arranging symmetric line objects such as eyes, eyebrows, and mouth and the halfway line such as the bridge of the nose.
See also Refer to the Shade Plugin Manual with the keyword Sketch Modeling.
- Spiral Line
- Spiral Line makes it easy to create a three-dimensional spiral (as a closed line object).
Spiral Line is available in Shade3D Standard and Professional.
See also Spiral Line
- Sweep Circle
- Sweep Circle creates a tubular curved surface by extruding a circle along a line object.
Sweep Circle is available in Shade3D Standard and Professional.
See also Sweep Circle