Selection Menu
This menu contains items for switching Editing Modes and object Selection Modes, and various items for selecting control points and polygon mesh elements.
- Editing Mode
- This submenu allows you to select the type of editing mode to use: Object Mode, Modify Mode, Mapping Mode, Joint Mode, or IK Mode.
- Selection Mode
- This submenu allows you to select the type of selection mode to use: Box Selection, Lasso Selection, or Trace Selection.
- Select Next
- Selects the next element in the index assigned to the control points of a line object or vertices, edges, or faces of a polygon mesh.
- Select Previous
- Selects the previous element in the index assigned to the control points of a line object or vertices, edges, or faces of a polygon mesh.
- Hide Selected Faces
- Hides the selected faces of the polygon mesh.
- Hide Unselected Faces
- Hides the unselected faces of the polygon mesh.
- Flip Hidden Faces
- Reverses the show and hide modes of polygon mesh faces.
- Show All Faces
- Shows all faces of the selected polygon mesh.
- Mesh Selection Type
- Provides three options to select visible parts only, front parts only or both visible and invisible parts of the selected mesh object.
- Visible Only
- Under Wireframe display mode, you can select both front and back parts of the mesh.
Under display modes besides Wireframe, you can select only visible parts of the mesh.
(This is the default behavior of Shade3D.)
- Front Only
- Regardless of the display mode, only the front elements of the polygon mesh are selectable.(same as Shade3D 11)
- Both Front and Back
- Regardless of the display mode, both front and back elements of the polygon mesh are selectable.(This means even elements blocked and hidden by another polygon mesh in the Figure Window are selectable.)
- Mesh Selection Mode
- Switches the polygon mesh selection mode between vertices, edges, and faces. This is equivalent to clicking one of the mesh selection buttons in the Control Bar.
- Selected Edges
- Contains options to mark or unmark seams.
- Mark Seams
- Memorizes the selected edges. The memorized edges become the UV seams when UV unwrapping with LSCM.
See also Bold Highlighting of Seams
- Unmark Seams
- Clears the memory information for the selected edges.
- Selected Vertices
- Pins or unpins the selected vertices.
- Pin
- Memorizes the selected vertices.The memorized vertices become UV pins when UV unwrapping with LSCM.
- Unpin
- Clears the memory information for the selected vertices.
Expand Selection
Expands the selection area. This is equivalent to the Expand Selection tool in Toolbox > Modify > Mesh.
Shrink Selection
Shrinks the selection area. This is equivalent to the Shrink Selection tool in Toolbox > Modify > Mesh.
Invert Selection
Inverts the selection state of polygon mesh elements.This is equivalent to the Invert Selection tool in Toolbox > Modify > Mesh.
Loop Selection
When two or more adjacent faces are selected, extends the selection in a loop around the polygon mesh. This is equivalent to the Loop Selection tool in Toolbox > Modify > Mesh.
Ring Selection
Selects the edges in a ring "parallel" to the originally-selected edge(s). This is equivalent to the Ring Selection tool in Toolbox > Modify > Mesh.
Select Boundary Edges
Used to select edges forming an outline around the selected faces. This is equivalent to the Select Boundary Edges tool in Toolbox > Modify > Mesh.
Select Inside Area
Using the selected faces or edges as a boundary, selects the faces or edges on the side with fewer polygons. This is equivalent to the Select Inside Area tool in Toolbox > Modify > Mesh.
Contiguous Surface
Used to select the faces that share common vertices.This is equivalent to the Contiguous Surface tool in Toolbox > Modify > Mesh.
Select Plane
Used to select all of the polygon faces lying in the same plane as the currently selected face.This is equivalent to the Select Plane tool in Toolbox > Modify > Mesh.
Select Manifold Geometry
Selects all faces contiguous to the currently selected face that do not have non-manifold edges or inconsistent normals. This is equivalent to the Select Manifold Geometry tool in Toolbox > Modify > Mesh.
Deselect All
Clears the selection of any polygon mesh elements.This is equivalent to the Deselect All tool in Toolbox > Modify > Mesh.
Used to detect and select elements of a polygon mesh that may cause errors during modeling or rendering.This is equivalent to the Detect tool in Toolbox > Modify > Mesh.