Shade3D Help (Contents)

Motion Settings

Animation Settings Show/Hide Button  
The button shows/hides the animation settings. The animation settings allow you to configure the number of frames, animation rendering, and other animation settings.

See also Animation Settings

Select to enter Sequence Mode. The state of the joint at the sequence cursor applies to the display of the Figure window and images rendered. Turn it off to quit sequence mode. The state of the joint in current mode applies to the display of the Figure window and images rendered.
- (Zoom Out) Button
Click the - button to zoom out the motion box.
The motion box is zoomed out to show a larger period of time, centering the sequence cursor.
To zoom out to half its current state or to close it, click the - button, holding down the Ctrl key (Win) or Option key (Mac).
To restore the magnification to x1, while holding down the Shift Key, click the Zoom Out button.
Click a point of the sequence scaler, sequence box, motion box, motion line, or motion list, holding down the Space+Ctrl (or Z) keys (Win) or Space+Option keys (Mac) to zoom out, centering the point.
The zoom indicator between the - and + buttons indicates the zooming rate currently set.
+ (Zoom In) Button
Click the + button to zoom in the active motion box.
The motion box is zoomed in by the click count, centering the sequence cursor.
To zoom in, click the + button, holding down the Ctrl (or Z) key (Win) or Option key (Mac).
To restore the magnification to x1, while holding down the Shift Key, click the Zoom In button.
Click a point of the sequence scaler, sequence box, motion box, motion line, or motion list, holding down the Space+X keys (Win) or Space+Command keys (Mac) to zoom in, centering the point.
The zoom indicator between the - and + buttons indicates the current magnification.
Magnification Indicator
The zoom indicator shows the zooming rate currently set to the motion box between the - and + buttons.
You can also set the Magnification Indicator using the Magnification pop-up menu.

Preview Operations

Go to first frame Button  
This button moves the sequence cursor to the frame 0 or frame specified by the From text box of the animation settings.
Go to previous frame Button  
This button moves the sequence cursor back by one frame.
Play Button  
This button plays the motions to show a preview.
When Frame Skip in the Preview pop-up menu is turned on, frames are skipped in the preview in order to simulate the actual passage of time in the animation, depending on the performance of the computer.
When it is turned off, the frames are played according to the values of the Skip text box of the animation settings, regardless of the performance of the computer. When Frames skip is turned on and if the Snap checkbox is also turned on, the frames are played according to the values of the Skip text box for the animation settings.
When Frames skip is turned on and if the Snap checkbox is turned off, the playing is carried out frame by frame with decimal-place precision realtime, ignoring the values of the Skip text box of the animation settings.
Pause Button  
Pauses preview playback in the Figure Window.
Stop Button  
This button stops preview playback. If the playing is paused, the sequence value is restored to that at when the Play button was clicked.
When the playing proceeds to the last frame, the playing ends if the Loop checkbox is off. When it is on, the frames between that specified by From and that specified by To of the animation settings are repeatedly played until the playing is paused.
Go to Next Frame Button  
This button moves the sequence cursor forward by one frame.
Go to Last Frame Button  
This button moves the sequence cursor to the frame specified by the To text box of the animation settings.
Jump Backward Button  
This button moves the sequence cursor backward by the frames specified in the Jump text box.
Jump Forward Button  
This button moves the sequence cursor forward by the frames specified in the Jump text box.
Jump Text Box
This box allows you to specify the number of frames to jump by using (Jump backword frames) button or (Jump forward frames) button.

Preview Options

Loop Checkbox  
When selected, the preview is repeated until it is paused. Only the frames between that specified by the From box and that specified by the To box of the animation settings are repeated.
Preview Pop-up Menu  
Frame Skip
When Frame Skip is selected, frames are skipped in the playing with the duration of time actually elapsed, depending on the performance of the computer.
Draft Display
When this is selected, the Viewport display setting is temporarily changed to "texture view" → "shading view" → "wireframe view" → "no skin calculation" → "bounding box view" for the preview, depending on the performance of the computer, to reduce drawing loads.
Select this checkbox to make the sequence value snap to one frame in dragging the sequence cursor.
When selected, inter-frame views (frames at a second with a decimal fraction, e.g., 1.25) are available or inter-frame key points can be configured. Frames are displayed more accurately even in the realtime playing for a motion preview.
Sequence Cursor Value
The text box shows the sequence value of the point where the cursor is located when the cursor is in the motion box. The text box shows the location of the cursor (sequence value) when the cursor is not in the motion box. Directly input the sequence value to move the sequence cursor to the point of the sequence value.

Key Point Operations

Edit Keys Pop-up Menu
This menu provides options for handling key points.

Copies the selected key points. Information about the active motion points of selected joints is memorized. The information includes the relative sequence value to the current sequence cursor position, state of the joint, path, Cusp setting (on/off), and Ease In/Out slider values. The Copy operation is not affected by any Edit Menu operations. Selecting Copy to active motion points not of a selected joint does not memorize information about any of these.
Pastes copied key points. The active motion points memorized by the copy operation are pasted to the selected joints. To the motion points, the difference between the copied sequence value and the current sequence value, state of the joint, path, Cusp setting (on/off), and Ease In/Out slider values are applied. The Paste operation is not affected by any Edit Menu operations.
Deletes the selected key points. This button is equivalent to the - (Delete Points) button. Clicking this button while holding down the X key (Win) or Command key (Mac) deletes only selected motion points.
Select All
Selects all key points of all joints.
Select All Under Active Part
Selects all key points of the joints belonging to objects of the selected Part.
Select Orphaned Points
Selects all orphaned points that remain undeleted after joints with sequence keys are deleted.
Separate from Sequence Keyframes
Separates motion points from the sequence key.
Separate from Sequence Keyframes under Active Part
Use this to separate motion points from sequence keyframes belonging to objects of the selected Part.
Join Sequence Keyframes
Joins motion points subordinate to different sequence keys into one sequence key.
Time Shift
Shows the Time Shift dialog. Selected key points are moved by the specified degree (frames).
Time Shift

Specify the degree to move the key points from the present sequence value in the Shift amount text box.
Time Stretch
Shows the Time Stretch dialog. The key points within the selected range are stretched by the specified ratio.
Time Stretch

From the Stretch Base Point pop-up menu, select the reference of stretching to the selected key point sequence value range. Specify the desired value in the Stretch Ratio text box. The value may not be negative.
Shows the Quantize dialog. Key points whose sequence value has a decimal fraction are selected and adjusted to the closest integer. Using the Time Stretch function may cause the sequence value of motion points to have a decimal fraction. Decimal fractions on motion points may make it hard to handle the motion points or result in unexpected effects when rendering animations. Quantize serves to adjust sequence values with a decimal fraction to the nearest integer by frame.

In the Quantize Method pop-up menu, select how decimal fractions shall be rounded to an integer. Specify the greatest common divisor for sequence values to be quantized in the Step text box. For example, when "3" is specified in the Step text box, the sequence value 65.7 is changed to 66.0, which is a multiple of 3. Alternatively, when "7" is specified in the Step text box, the sequence value 65.7 is changed to 63.0, which is a multiple of 7.
Current Only
When active, + (Create Point) and - (Delete Point) keypoint operations affect only one selected Joint.
By default, all IK-chains, or branched joints are affected by keypoint operations.
Single IK
When active, + (Create Point) and - (Delete Point) keypoint operations affect the Single IK chain containing the Joint.
When Single IK is active, Multi IK is off.
Multi IK
When active, + (Create Point) and - (Delete Point) keypoint operations affect all IK chains linked to the selected IK chain containing the selected Joint, but not those that are not a part of the linked IK chains.
If you want to execute keypoint operations to all joints within an IK chain, use Single IK or Multi IK with Current Only inactive.

Important When a joint that is not assigned to an IK chain is selected, there is no effect even if Single IK or Multi IK is on. A joint which is a target of a keypoint operation is changed with Current Only.

First Motion Point Button  
Moves the sequence cursor to the sequence value of the first motion point and selects the motion point.
Previous Motion Point Button  
Moves the sequence cursor to the sequence value of the previous motion point and selects the motion point.
Next Motion Point Button  
Moves the sequence cursor to the sequence value of the next motion point and selects the motion point.
Last Motion Point Button  
Moves the sequence cursor to the sequence value of the last motion point and selects the motion point.
+ (Create Point) Button
Creates a key point at the position of the sequence cursor. When there is already a sequence key or motion point at the sequence position, it is updated.
- (Delete Point) Button
Deletes the selected key points. Clicking this button, holding down the X key (Win) or Command key (Mac) deletes only selected motion points.
Auto Key
Turns Auto Key Mode on or off. In auto key mode, changing a joint value automatically configures a sequence key or motion point at the sequence position. When there is already a sequence key or motion point at the sequence position, it is automatically updated.
Group Pop-up Menu
Use this to show a marker of the color selected in the menu in the scope of the selected key point. The selectable colors are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple.
Specifies the number of repetitions of the key group. This allows you to specify up to 10 loops for the repeat count, and the text box allows you to specify a higher value for the repeat count.
Key points are configured for the repeat count. Key points configured by the repeat sequence are also included in a key group.
Concerning a selected group for which key points were repeatedly configured, you may specify the repeat count again to change it.
Deleting a key group causes the key points configured by the repeat sequence to be deleted.
The repeat sequence is applicable to the greyed range in the sequence key box. Change it by dragging in the sequence key box.
When non-grouped key points are selected, the key points are grouped by the repeat sequence for the specified count. The key group is automatically named after the active joint.


Load... Button
Use this button to load a motion file (.shdmtn or .xmlshdmtn) applied to the motion settings to the selected joints from the current sequence cursor position. The settings loaded are the same as those by Paste of the Edit Keys pop-up menu.
Save... Button
Use this button to save the information of the selected motion points into a motion file (.shdmtn or .xmlshdmtn). The settings saved are the same as those by Copy of the Edit Keys pop-up menu.
Set Start Frame Button  
Use this to set the position of the sequence cursor as the start position of the animation frames. The start position is applied to the From text box of the animation settings.
Set End Frame Button  
Use this to set the position of the sequence cursor as the end position of the animation frames. The end position is applied to the To text box of the animation settings.

Motion Point Settings

Joint Name
Shows the name of the selected joint (for which motions are configured).
- (Zoom Out) Button
Zooms out the motion box for joints. The motion box is zoomed out to show a larger period of time, centering the sequence cursor. To zoom out to half its current state or to close it, click the - button, holding down the Ctrl key (Win) or Option key (Mac). To restore the magnification to x1, while holding down the Shift Key, click the Zoom Out button. Click a point of the sequence scaler, sequence box, motion box, motion line, or motion list, holding down the Space+Ctrl (or Z) keys (Win) or Space+Option keys (Mac) to zoom out, centering the point. The zoom indicator between the - and + buttons indicates the zooming rate currently set.
+ (Zoom In) Button
Zooms in the motion box for joints. The motion box is zoomed in by the click count, centering the sequence cursor. To zoom in, click the + button, holding down the Ctrl (or Z) key (Win) or Option key (Mac). To restore the magnification to x1, while holding down the Shift Key, click the Zoom In button. Click a point of the sequence scaler, sequence box, motion box, motion line, or motion list, holding down the Space+X keys (Win) or Space+Command keys (Mac) to zoom in, centering the point. The zoom indicator between the - and + buttons indicates the current magnification.
Magnification Indicator
The zoom indicator shows the magnification rate currently set to the motion box between the - and + buttons.
You can also set the Magnification Indicator using the Magnification pop-up menu.
Range Checkbox
Shows the joint value limiter, which configures joint value and motion curved line limits. Turn it off to hide the joint value limiter, canceling the limits. It is associated with the Range checkbox and limiter of the Object Info window.
Auto Smooth
Automatically smooths the motion curve. Select the Auto Smooth checkbox while holding down the Ctrl or Z key (Win) or Option key (Mac) to apply Auto Smooth to all motion points associated with the same sequence key.
Makes the selected motion point a cusp, resulting in more abrupt animation changes. Deselect this option to make the animation curve smooth at the selected motion point, resulting in more moderate animation changes. Select the Cusp checkbox while holding down the Ctrl or Z key (Win) or Option key (Mac) to apply Cusp to all motion points associated with the same sequence key.
Ease In
Modifies the behavior of the selected motions in reference to the preceding motion points. Setting a high value to Ease In reduces acceleration. The maximum value setting causes a stop at the motion points. The Ease In slider/text box are displayed when the motion box is displayed and are active when a motion point is selected.
Ease Out
Modifies the behavior of the selected motions in reference to the following motion points. Setting a high value to Ease Out increases acceleration. The maximum value setting causes the motions to stop and start. The Ease Out slider and text box are displayed when the motion box is displayed and are active when a motion point is selected.
Camera Path Pop-up Menu
Activated when a camera object is selected. For the view of the camera path in the Viewport, specify Eye & Target, Eye, or Target.
Sequence Value
Activated when a motion point is selected. It shows the sequence value of the key point selected. You can directly specify the value for the sequence value of the selected key point.
Joint Value
Available for joints other than ball joints and camera objects. It shows the joint value of the key point selected. You can directly specify the value for the joint value of the selected key point. For a value specified over the limit of the upper or lower limiter, clicking the joint value slider makes the joint value set to the limit. Dragging a joint value limiter sets the joint minimum or maximum values.
Active Button
This button shows the selected joint, automatically scrolling the Select Joint box, when it is viewable in the box.
Joint Value
Available for joints other than ball joints and camera objects. It allows you to specify the joint value. A joint value is limited in range by the upper and lower limiters. The joint value slider is active only when the motion box is displayed and if a joint is selected.
Motion Display Button  
Shown as a downward triangle when the motion graph and motion point settings are displayed. Shown as a rightward triangle when the motion line view is displayed. To switch the motion line view to the motion graph view also referred to as "to open the motion graph."
Sequence Cursor
Sets the current sequence value with effects displayed by changes within the Figure Window. Clicking a point on the sequence ruler moves the sequence cursor to that point. Dragging the sequence cursor changes the current sequence value. The sequence cursor is displayed as a downward triangle on the sequence ruler. In the Motion Box and Motion List, a vertical line shows the current position of the sequence cursor.
Sequence Ruler
The sequence ruler measures sequence value. On the sequence ruler, the sequence cursor is displayed. The sequence ruler is active in sequence mode. In current mode, clicking the sequence ruler sets sequence mode.
Sequence Key Box
The sequence key box allows you to show, select, create, delete, move, and copy sequence key points.

Motion Graph

The Motion Graph allows you to select, create, and move joint motion points, and show motion curved lines. The Motion Graph is switchable to line view by the Motion Display button.

Active Motion Graph
Directly under the Sequence Ruler in the Motion window is a Motion Graph for the the selected joint. The motion graph is specially referred to as the active motion graph. The active motion graph provides visual representation of motion curves for motion settings of joints other than ball joints and allows you to handle the motion points.
Motion Curves
For joints other than ball joints, motion settings are represented as curved lines in a motion graph. Motion lines provide visual representation of motion settings. For a straight motion curve, the joint value represents a constant speed (acceleration 0). The greater the angle of the line, the faster the change, and the less the straight line is slanted (closer to the level), the slower the change. When level, the joint value does not change. When the motion curve is not straight, the joint value changes result in acceleration. When the straight motion curved line is angled or cornered, the joint value is subject to a significant change.
Motion Line
Selects, configures, and moves joint motion points, and show a number line for which motion curved lines are projected onto the sequence axis. The motion line view is switchable to the motion graph view with the Motion Display button.

Select Joint Box

The box shows all joints in the scene. When the joints are hierarchically configured, click the Part button   to show the joints in the lower tiers. Click the name of the joint to select it.

Joint Name
The names of all joints are displayed according to their hierarchical structure.
Part Button  
The Part button appears when the joint has subordinate tiers. Click the button to show/hide those in the subordinate tiers in the Select Joint box.
Motion List
The motion list shows the motion box or motion line for the joint. The items displayed in the motion list are always active.

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