Shade3D Help (Contents)

OpenSubdiv Adaptive Tessellation

When subdividing an object with OpenSubdiv, adaptive tessellation can be used to increase the level of subdivision only for areas of the mesh where greater detail is needed, such as edges with sharpness applied, reducing the total number of polys required.

Basic Standard Professional


In the Object Info Window, with OpenSubdiv selected as the Subdivision Surface method, select Adaptive Tessellation.

Areas of the mesh with fine detail are subdivided more finely without increasing the overall level of subdivision.

Rendered with Adaptive Tessellation off, Surface Subdivision set to Regular

Rendered with Adaptive Tessellation on, Surface Subdivision set to Regular

Subdivided with Adaptive Tessellation off, Surface Subdivision set to Regular

Subdivided with Adaptive Tessellation on, Surface Subdivision set to Regular

Adaptive Tessellation (Object Info Window, Subdivision Surface settings)

Adaptive Tessellation
Applies adaptive tessellation when rendering or subdividing a polygon mesh.
Applies the Adaptive Tessellation result to the object's shading in the Figure Window.
Selecting Preview can reduce Figure Window display performance when modeling.
Adaptive Level
The level of subdivision used for Adaptive Tessellation.
If the value is lower than the Display Level and Render Level, Adaptive Tessellation is not used.
Subdivision is done uniformly on the whole object(s) up to the Display Level or Render Level, and then Adaptive Tessellation is used (if the Adaptive Level is higher) for areas that require more detail.

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